Leading From The Front:

The E.S.G. Programme for

 Senior Leadership

Short Day Programme

Available 2024 as a micro-learning 240 minute short programme. 

Leading From The Front is an ESG leadership programme for senior managers and directors in Ireland. ESG, which stands for Environmental, Social and Governance, refers to a set of standards for measuring the sustainability and societal impact of companies. The programme aims to give participants a comprehensive understanding of ESG practices and how to effectively implement them strategically and culturally within their organizations.

The programme will take place over several engaging sessions exploring practical ESG implementation in Ireland, referencing real-life case studies. It will provide insights into strategies and best practices that have proven effective for embedding ESG principles into organizational culture. A key focus is on driving an eco-cultural transformation, integrating ESG initiatives with long-term cultural changes necessary for success.

Upon completing the programme, participants will understand how to align ESG principles with strategic eco-culture™ decision-making and operational practices across their organizations. They will learn to lead ESG initiatives as the norm, driving sustainable growth and contributing to a more sustainable future for their companies and society.

Introducing our Exclusive Programme for Directorships and Senior Management:

 Embracing E.S.G. for Sustainable Success:

Eco-Cultural™ Alignment To Strategy

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations have emerged as critical factors in corporate governance. To navigate this strategic development effectively, we are proud to present our exclusive programme designed to provide a comprehensive executive-level orientation to E.S.G. practices in Ireland.

This programme goes beyond mere legal compliance and statutory reporting requirements. It offers a strategic-cultural orientation, equipping directors and senior management with the necessary viewpoints and understanding, fostering successful and sustainable E.S.G. initiatives in the long term. By delving into the root origins and purpose of E.S.G., particularly through the lens of EU law, specifically the CSRD Directive, participants will gain invaluable insights into the driving forces behind this transformative critical eco-cultural movement.

Through a series of engaging sessions, this programme will explore the practical implementation of E.S.G. in Ireland, drawing on real-life case studies that highlight both the challenges and successes experienced by organizations. By examining these examples, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the strategies and best practices that have proven effective in embedding E.S.G. principles into the fabric of a progressive organization.

However, the true essence of this programme lies in its emphasis on eco-cultural transformation. We firmly believe that E.S.G. is not a mere addendum to reports or a passing phase; it requires a fundamental shift in organizational culture. Our programme will equip directors and senior managers with the knowledge and tools to align E.S.G. initiatives with the broader cultural transformation necessary for long-term success.

Participants will gain a strong understanding of how E.S.G. principles can be integrated into every aspect of your organization, from strategic decision-making to operational practices. Our aim is to deliver expertise for you to lead the charge in making E.S.G. initiatives the norm within your company, driving sustainable growth and creating a positive impact on society and the environment. The programme will place particular emphasis on cultural hacks, often called the secret sauce to ESG, the phenomenon that advantage gaining organizations world-wide successfully implement. 

Shaping the Future of Organizations

ESG: Shaping the Future of Organizations

Section Overview
Delivering a comprehensive understanding of the current state of organizations globally and in Ireland in regard to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) practices. Throughout this programme, we will explore the opportunities and challenges associated with ESG, discuss best practices, and provide practical strategies for driving ESG transformation within an organization.

Session 1: The Global Landscape of ESG
In this session, we will delve into the global landscape of ESG and its impact on organizations. We will examine the latest trends, regulations, and best practices from around the world. For example, we will discuss how companies like Mainstream Renewable Power, an Irish renewable energy company, have played a significant role in Ireland's transition to renewable energy sources. Through case studies and expert insights, we will explore how leading organizations are integrating ESG into their strategies to drive sustainable growth and create long-term value.

Session 2: ESG in Ireland: Opportunities and Challenges
In this session, we will focus specifically on the state of ESG in Ireland. We will explore the unique opportunities and challenges that Irish organizations face in adopting and implementing ESG practices. For instance, we will discuss how Irish companies are embracing ESG to enhance their reputation, attract investors, and contribute to a more sustainable future. We will highlight examples of Irish companies that have successfully integrated ESG principles into their operations, such as those in the sharing economy or product-as-a-service sectors, which not only reduce environmental impact but also present economic opportunities and job creation.

Session 3: Driving ESG Transformation
In this session, we will shift our focus to the practical aspects of driving ESG transformation within organizations. We will discuss the key drivers and enablers of successful ESG integration, including leadership commitment, stakeholder engagement, and effective measurement and reporting frameworks. Through interactive exercises and group discussions, we will explore strategies for embedding ESG into the organizational culture and aligning it with long-term business objectives. We will draw on examples from the text, such as McKinsey's research showing that companies with diverse executive teams outperform their peers in terms of profitability, to emphasize the importance of diversity and inclusion in driving ESG transformation.

Session 4: The Road Ahead: Navigating ESG Challenges
In our final session, we will address the challenges and uncertainties that lie ahead in the ESG landscape. We will discuss emerging trends, evolving regulations, and the role of technology in advancing ESG practices. Through expert analysis and case studies, we will explore strategies for staying ahead of the curve and leveraging ESG as a driver of innovation and competitive advantage. We will highlight examples of organizations that have successfully navigated ESG challenges, such as those that have embraced remote work models to enhance productivity and inclusivity.

Join this transformative session and gain the knowledge and insights needed to navigate the evolving ESG landscape, drive eco-cultural transformation, and position your organization for long-term success.

Navigating the CSRD Directive: A Roadmap for Strategic Action and Culture Transformation

    Section Two Overview

Gain a comprehensive understanding of the CSRD Directive and the implications for sustainability reporting. By exploring the key provisions and requirements of the directive, you will be equipped to lead your organization towards successful compliance and foster a culture of sustainability and transparency.

Programme Objectives
- Gain a thorough understanding of the CSRD Directive and its scope in terms of undertakings and securities covered.
- Explore the definition of "large undertakings" and "public-interest entities" as outlined in the directive.
- Understand the specific provisions for third-country undertakings with subsidiaries or branches in the European Union.
- Learn about the sustainability reporting standards and frameworks recommended by the directive.
- Discover strategies for ensuring proportionate reporting standards and minimizing administrative burdens.
- Explore the requirements for independent assurance services providers and their role in enhancing the credibility of sustainability reporting.
- Understand the integration of ESG risks in the Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process (SREP).
- Gain insights into the expected impacts of the directive on sustainability reporting practices and the convergence of reporting practices.
- Develop strategies for effectively implementing the CSRD Directive and fostering a culture of sustainability within your organization.

Programme Agenda

Session 1: Introduction to the CSRD Directive
- Understanding the background and objectives of the CSRD Directive.
- Exploring the scope of the directive in terms of undertakings and securities covered.
- Defining "large undertakings" and "public-interest entities" as outlined in the directive.

Session 2: Provisions and Requirements of the CSRD Directive
- Examining the specific provisions for third-country undertakings with subsidiaries or branches in the European Union.
- Understanding the recommended sustainability reporting standards and frameworks.
- Ensuring proportionate reporting standards and minimizing administrative burdens.

Session 3: Assurance and Credibility of Sustainability Reporting
- Exploring the requirements for independent assurance services providers.
- Understanding their role in enhancing the credibility and reliability of sustainability reporting.
- Examining the criteria and standards for the assurance process.

Session 4: Integration of ESG Risks in the SREP
- Understanding the integration of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) risks in the Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process (SREP).
- Exploring the importance of considering ESG risks in assessing the overall risk profile of financial institutions.

Session 5: Implementation Strategies and Culture Transformation
- Developing strategies for effectively implementing the CSRD Directive within your organization.
- Fostering a culture of sustainability and transparency.
- Overcoming challenges and resistance to change.
- Tracking and measuring the impact of sustainability reporting initiatives.

Session Outcome
You will gain a comprehensive understanding of the CSRD Directive and its implications for sustainability reporting. You will be equipped with practical strategies and insights to navigate the requirements of the directive, ensure compliance, and foster a culture of sustainability within your organization. Get ready to embark on a transformative journey towards transparent and responsible reporting practices.

 Strategic Culture Hacks: A Framework for Eco-Culture Transformation

Section Three Overview
This section is designed for board of directors and senior management to gain insights and practical strategies for driving strategic action and transforming organizational culture using culture hacks. By understanding the power of culture hacks and their impact on aligning thinking and behaviour, you will be equipped to lead your organization towards a successful culture transformation.

Section Objectives
- Understand the concept of Culture Hacks and their role in shaping corporate culture.
- Explore the three main types of Culture Hacks: Strategy-oriented, Nudging-oriented, and Artifact-induced.
- Learn how to align corporate culture with desired goals and strategies.
- Discover practical examples of successful Culture Hacks implemented by leading organizations.
- Gain insights into the psychological, social, and organizational dimensions of Culture Hacks.
- Develop strategies for overcoming resistance and fostering employee engagement in the change process.
- Learn how to track and measure the impact of culture transformation initiatives.
- Understand the importance of leadership in driving culture change and inspiring others.

Section Agenda
Session 1: Introduction to Culture Hacks and Culture Transformation
- Understanding the concept of Culture Hacks and their strategic importance.
- Exploring the three main types of Culture Hacks and their applications.
- Aligning corporate culture with desired goals and strategies.

Session 2: Successful Culture Hacks and Case Studies
- Examining real-world examples of successful Culture Hacks implemented by leading organizations.
- Analysing the impact of Culture Hacks on organizational culture and performance.
- Extracting key learnings and best practices from case studies.

Session 3: Psychological, Social, and Organizational Dimensions of Culture Hacks
- Understanding the psychological factors that influence behaviour change.
- Exploring the social dynamics and group influences in culture transformation.
- Identifying the organizational dimensions and challenges of implementing Culture Hacks.

Session 4: Leadership and Employee Engagement in Culture Transformation
- The role of leadership in driving culture change and inspiring others.
- Strategies for overcoming resistance and fostering employee engagement.
- Creating a culture of transparency, openness, and continuous improvement.

Session 5: Tracking and Measuring the Impact of Culture Transformation
- Developing metrics and indicators to track the progress of culture transformation initiatives.
- Analysing data and feedback to identify deviations and make informed decisions.
- Ensuring continuous improvement and sustainability of culture transformation efforts.

Session Outcome
By the end of this programme, you will have gained a comprehensive understanding of Culture Hacks and their strategic role in culture transformation. You will be equipped with practical strategies and insights to drive strategic action, align thinking and behaviour, and foster a culture of innovation and success within your organization. Get ready to embark on a transformative journey towards a thriving organizational eco-culture

Culture Hacking Essentials

Culture hacking, at its core, involves creating organizational or team cultures that empower individuals and teams to achieve their full potential. It revolves around making small changes that target specific areas where the culture is susceptible to transformation. These changes, known as hacks, are not quick fixes for cultural deficiencies but rather small, often emotional, and immediate adjustments that can have significant impacts. The essence of culture hacking lies in prioritizing frequent small changes rather than solely focusing on tackling major transformations. This approach has become a fundamental aspect of the startup scene and lean change management methodologies, especially post pandemic, as organizations grapple with new workplace paradigms. 


Introduction to Culture Hacking 

Culture hacking is a term that has gained popularity in recent years, particularly in organization transformation. It refers to the process of intentionally changing or influencing the culture of an organization or community. The goal of culture hacking is to create a more positive and productive environment that fosters innovation, creativity, and collaboration. This concept is particularly relevant in today's globalized world, where people from different cultures and backgrounds are increasingly working together. Explore the concept of culture hacking in more detail, including its definition, history, and practical applications. 

What is Culture Hacking?

Culture hacking is a term that was first coined by Shane Snow, the co-founder of Contently, in a 2013 article for Wired magazine. In the article, Snow described culture hacking as "the process of using a small, unconventional intervention to change the behaviour of a large group of people." The idea behind culture hacking is that by making small changes to the culture of an organization or community, it is possible to create a ripple effect that leads to larger, more significant changes over time. Culture hacking is often associated with the tech industry, where it has been used to create more innovative and collaborative work environments. However, the concept of culture hacking can be applied to any organization or community, regardless of its size or industry. 

ESG and Culture Hacking

ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) is a set of standards that companies use to measure their impact on the environment, society, and corporate governance. Culture hacking can be used to implement ESG in an organization by creating a culture that values sustainability, social responsibility, and ethical governance. Here are some ways culture hacking can be used to implement ESG in an organization:Here are some straight forward examples of culture hacking in an organization.

Change the language: One way to implement ESG in an organization is to change the language used to talk about sustainability, social responsibility, and ethical governance. Instead of talking about these issues as separate from the core business, they should be integrated into the language used to talk about the business itself. For example, instead of talking about "sustainability initiatives," talk about "sustainable business practices."

Involve everyone: Another way to implement ESG in an organization is to involve everyone in the process. This can be done by using pulse surveys to gather feedback more regularly and involving employees in decision-making processes related to ESG. By involving everyone in the process, it creates a sense of ownership and accountability for ESG initiatives.

Create a culture of transparency: Transparency is a key component of ESG. Culture hacking can be used to create a culture of transparency by encouraging open communication and sharing of information. This can be achieved by implementing policies and practices that promote transparency, such as regular reporting on ESG metrics and open-door policies for employees to share feedback and ideas.

Reward and recognize ESG efforts: Culture hacking can be used to reward and recognize employees who make efforts to promote ESG in the organization. This can be achieved by implementing recognition programs that reward employees for their contributions to ESG initiatives, such as reducing waste or promoting social responsibility.