The Lighthouse Survey

Shinning a Light On the Future Of Work in the South East Region

The Lighthouse Survey

We are delighted to introduce you to The Lighthouse Survey, a groundbreaking, unique initiative that will illuminate the future of work within organizations and major employers in the South-East region of Ireland. This survey is a groundbreaking venture by the Future of Work, an innovative professional enterprise committed to delivering unparalleled insights and strategic guidance to organizations seeking to navigate the evolving workplace skills, employee development and communications landscape.

The Lighthouse Survey explores a wide array of topics that are shaping the landscape of work, such as the Green Deal and sustainability, remote and hybrid work, innovation and technology, talent and skills, and leadership and culture. This work place landscape is evolving rapidly in a time when effective communication and engagement skills are crucial to a sustainable future. By participating in the survey, you will gain access to invaluable knowledge and data that will empower you to make informed decisions about the future of your organization. Our partnership will ensure that the vital component of communicating your strategic plan is accomplished with seamless professionalism and efficiency.

The Lighthouse Survey is delivered under the Chatham House rules protocols, guaranteeing the confidentiality of your responses. Your insights will contribute to a collective body of knowledge, with no individual or organization being identified. We invite you to participate in The Lighthouse Survey by providing an information interview to add to important research in this field. Your expertise and insights are pivotal in shaping the narrative of the future of work in our region.

Why The Lighthouse Survey?

“When a meeting, or part thereof, is held under the Chatham House Rule, participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed.” 

The Survey Objective

The primary goal of The Lighthouse Survey is to cast a spotlight on the future of work within the South-East region of Ireland, offering profound insights to organizations, employers, and leaders. By examining key themes, trends, and challenges, we aim to facilitate informed decision-making and strategic planning. We understand the demands on your time and appreciate the importance of every minute you invest. Rest assured, our information interviews are designed to be efficient, insightful, and tailored to your schedule.

Strategic Insights and Benchmarking: By participating in the Lighthouse Survey, organizations gain access to a wealth of strategic insights. Benchmarking against industry peers and leaders will help identify strengths and areas for improvement, enabling organizations to set the trend in workplace dynamics.

The Lighthouse Survey Focus

Key Focus Areas: The Lighthouse Survey comprehensively covers a wide array of topics that are shaping the landscape of work, including:

Green Deal and Sustainability: As the world moves towards greater environmental consciousness, we investigate the impact of sustainability initiatives on organizations in the South-East of Ireland.

Remote and Hybrid Work: The way we work has evolved significantly, accelerated by global events. We explore the dynamics of remote and hybrid work initiative arrangements, seeking to understand world-class practices, key challenges, and opportunities.

Innovation and Technology: The role of technology in reshaping work cannot be overstated. We delve into how innovation and technology adoption are influencing business strategies.

Talent and Skills: The skills landscape is evolving rapidly. We examine the talent and skills that will be in demand in the future and how organizations are preparing for this shift.

Leadership and Culture: Effective leadership and a positive organizational culture are critical in navigating change. We analyse leadership strategies and cultural dynamics within organizations.

Future-Proofing South-East Ireland: The Lighthouse Survey isn't just about understanding the present; it's about preparing for the future. By participating, you become an integral part of a collective effort to future-proof the South-East region of Ireland, ensuring its resilience and prosperity in the face of evolving work dynamics. We encourage your organization to seize this opportunity to contribute to and benefit from this transformative initiative.

Your Competitive Edge

 "Culture eats strategy for breakfast" Peter Drucker

This very famous quote is attributed to Drucker, although there is no hard evidence he ever said it. The real strength behind this quote is the Drucker Methodology. Drucker understood the principle of relationship building in organizations as being critical to delivering outstanding leadership and management insights. We align deeply with the Ducker methodology to deliver world-class qualitative research for organizations that facilitates excellent strategic decision-making. We garner knowledge that will have impact in organizations that is built on trust and confidentiality. Participating in the Future of Work Lighthouse Survey offers your company a unique opportunity to gain a competitive edge in the ever-evolving landscape of the South-East region of Ireland. Here are some benefits available to your organization:

Participating in The Future of Work Lighthouse Survey is not about answering questions or ticking boxes, it is about gaining a competitive edge, leveraging strategic insights, and actively contributing to the region's sustainable development. Your company will be at the forefront of innovation, armed with the knowledge and resources to navigate the evolving landscape of work in the South-East region of Ireland. Join in this transformative journey and shine a light on a more sustainable future for the South-Region.

"Strategy is crucial, culture aligned with strategy is unbeatable" Stratagem: A Toolkit For The Future 

Illuminating the Future of Work

This comprehensive future strategy analysis focuses on delivering strategic workforce management insights over the next five years. In an era marked by seismic changes in the workplace, The Lighthouse Survey is an indispensable tool for large employers and organizations seeking to make well-informed, future-proof decisions. Conducted with world-class standards of excellence and the utmost discretion, this survey adheres to the Chatham House rules, ensuring complete confidentiality. Paul and Clodagh's leadership is your opportunity to navigate the future of work with confidence. The Lighthouse Survey is your compass to strategic decision-making, setting a course for sustainability and innovation in the evolving world of work.

Paul Walsh: An Innovator in Operations Transformation 

As the driving force behind The Future Of Work, Paul Walsh brings an extensive background in operations management within the Life Sciences industry. His deep expertise in culture and legal environmental management has earned him recognition as a strategist in human potential. With a deep commitment to delivering value-added success for businesses, Paul's knowledge acquisition for client organizations is second to none. He possesses an ability to catalyse action and progression, drawing from his years of managing complex operations. Paul's influence extends greatly, as he has shared his insights through numerous programmes on operations and change management, impacting leadership within Irish multinational corporations. Additionally, he has served as an adjunct strategy lecturer at institutions such as University College Cork. Paul's dedication to nurturing client relationships and his adaptability across diverse operating environments make him an invaluable partner for organizations seeking to unlock their operations potential.

South-East Regional Profile

"The critical alignment of culture to strategy is the key to the future" Stratagem: A Toolkit for the Future 

The South-East Regional Enterprise Plan to 2024 is a forward-thinking strategy that lays out a comprehensive roadmap for fostering economic growth and development in the South-East region of Ireland. This plan is grounded in a set of five strategic objectives that aim to promote innovation, sustainability, industry collaboration, and overall progress in the region.

From nurturing entrepreneurship and supporting start-ups to establishing the South-East as a hub for green growth and sustainability, this plan recognizes the evolving needs of the region. It seeks to harness the power of education, research, and innovation, all while encouraging industry-driven clusters that will drive economic advancement.

In addition, the plan recognizes the significance of place-making, understanding that the South-East's unique character and heritage play a crucial role in its future success. By enhancing tourism experiences, upskilling in hospitality, and promoting remote working opportunities, the South-East aims to attract visitors and talent alike. This strategy is poised to shape a prosperous and progressive future for the South-East region.

The South East Regional Enterprise Plan to 2024

The South-East Regional Enterprise Plan to 2024 outlines five strategic objectives to promote economic growth and development in the South-East region of Ireland. Here is our summary of each objective:

Strategic Objective 1: Start and Grow

1. Establish a South-East advisory board of experienced senior entrepreneurs and create a structured engagement programme for them.

2. Improve coordination of public support for start-ups across the region.

3. Align with the South-East Technological University to promote entrepreneurship and enterprise development.

4. Increase investment in research, development, and innovation (RDI) support structures to help enterprises access and utilize knowledge and intellectual property.

5. Utilize the EU-funded Pilot South-East Intrapreneurship Report to assist local companies in pursuing new opportunities.

Strategic Objective 2: Green Growth

1. Position the South-East as a hub for both offshore and onshore wind energy.

2. Develop a strategic approach to green skills' education at further and higher education levels.

3. Support the establishment of a National Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Food, Forestry, and Marine Innovation in the South-East.

4. Foster the growth of a National Centre of Excellence for High-Performance Buildings in Wexford.

5. Promote sustainability best practices and green opportunities within industries.

Strategic Objective 3: Smart Specialization and Clustering

1. Develop a coordinated approach with industry-driven governance for the strategic development of key South-East clusters.

2. Enhance industry engagement with the South-East Engineering Cluster.

3. Enhance industry engagement with the South-East Financial Services Cluster.

4. Assess and advance the South-East ICT Cluster.

5. Explore opportunities to establish industry-led South-East Life Sciences and Agri-food, Forestry, and Marine Clusters.

6. Develop four regional micro-clusters in Pharma, Lean Manufacturing, Green, and Digital Marketing through Local Enterprise Offices.

Strategic Objective 4: Innovate

1. Explore the feasibility of a multidisciplinary research centre of excellence within the Technological University.

2. Create a virtual Innovation Hub for LEO South-East.

3. Identify and expand opportunities for enterprise engagement in the Life Sciences innovation, research, and development ecosystem.

4. Identify and expand opportunities for enterprise engagement in Advanced Manufacturing innovation, research, and development.

5. Identify and expand opportunities for enterprise engagement in the ICT innovation, research, and development ecosystem.

6. Establish the South-East as a hub for design-led thinking, design innovation, education, and training.

7. Explore the potential for a Financial Services Center of Excellence in the South-East.

8. Identify opportunities for enterprise engagement in the Agri-Food, Forestry innovation, research, and development ecosystem.

9. Advance Further Education and Training initiatives, including the WWETB Wexford FET College.

10. Promote the South-East as a hub for productivity and process improvement through research, innovation, training, and clustering.

Strategic Objective 5: Place

1. Implement the Ireland's Ancient East South-East Tourism Action Plan to enhance visitor experiences in various tourism sectors.

2. Strengthen opportunities for upskilling in hospitality and customer service in the South-East.

3. Expand the marketing campaign for the Ireland South-East region.

4. Position the South-East as a top location for remote working in Ireland.

The Copper Coast, Ballydowane Cove, Our home base in the South East, County Waterford.

IDA - South East Region - 2024 

IDA Ireland's Objectives for the South-East Region by 2024

The South-East Region of Ireland is witnessing significant growth and development, thanks to the efforts of IDA Ireland. With 79 client companies and a workforce of 14,932 individuals, the region's Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) performance has surged, experiencing a remarkable 24% increase in employment over the past five years.

Investment Targets

Under the banner of IDA's "Driving Recovery and Sustainable Growth" strategy, the agency has set ambitious goals for the South-East Region. From 2021 to 2024, IDA Ireland aims to secure 40 new investments. Collaborating with stakeholders, the agency will further strengthen the region's existing strengths, fostering investment that aligns with its established regional clusters and innovative enterprises.

Infrastructure Development

In line with these objectives, IDA Ireland has embarked on a series of infrastructure initiatives. A notable one is the delivery of an Advanced Building Solution in Waterford throughout the 2021-2024 period. Additionally, construction of an Advanced Building Solution in Carlow is in progress. These endeavours, along with planned upgrades across IDA Parks in the region, will ensure a compelling value proposition for potential clients.

Recent Investments

The South-East Region has seen substantial investments since 2020, demonstrating the resilience of its business ecosystem. New entrants and existing IDA clients have made significant contributions, including CSC Global (75 jobs) and Mtech Mobility (25 jobs) in Wexford, Unum (50 jobs) in Carlow, State Street (400 jobs), Trilateral Research (40 jobs), and UPMC (60 jobs) in Kilkenny, as well as Horizon (90 jobs), Repligen Corporation (130 jobs), and Bausch and Lomb (130 jobs) in Waterford.

Economic Impact

FDI activities in the South-East are estimated to generate €4.28 billion for the region and Ireland as a whole. This is achieved through payroll (€2,377 million), the procurement of Irish materials and services (€1,609 million), and in-house research and development spending (€295 million).

Strategic Sectors

The South-East Region is strategically positioned to attract further investment, with over 10,000 individuals employed in high-value Life Sciences manufacturing. Additionally, the region boasts significant clusters in Technology, Engineering, Industrial Technologies, and International Financial Services. These clusters are complemented by research centres that support both new business acquisition and the transformation of existing client companies.

State Street's recent announcement of 400 Cybersecurity roles in Kilkenny (September 2021) stands as one of the most significant job announcements in the South-East in recent years, indicating confidence in both the Financial Services sector and the region's tech talent pool. The South-East for Financial Services Industry Group is gaining momentum, bridging the gap between industry leaders, academia, and other relevant stakeholders.

The amalgamation of institutions such as Waterford Institute of Technology and Institute of Technology, Carlow is a valuable asset for businesses in the region. Furthermore, the merger of these institutes into the new Technological University of the South-East (TUSE) will further enhance the educational landscape significantly. 

IDA Ireland actively participates in the Regional Enterprise Plan Steering Committee for the South-East Region. The agency is committed to close collaboration with its partners in the implementation of this plan, fostering a strong spirit of cooperation and collective effort necessary to achieve our ambitious goals for the South-East Region.

OECD Ireland Skills Strategy Report (May 2023)

In May 2023, the OECD Ireland Skills Strategy Report raised significant concerns about the readiness of Irish adults to adapt to changing work environments. Despite a considerable number of adults holding tertiary-level degrees, the report highlights a deficiency in essential upskilling and participation in lifelong learning. This places a significant portion of the Irish workforce at risk of falling behind, emphasizing the urgent need for increased investment in lifelong learning initiatives.

Key Policy Priorities

Through thorough policy analysis and active engagement with stakeholders regarding skill-related challenges in Ireland, four key policy priority areas have emerged:

Disparity in Lifelong Learning

The report underscores a significant concern regarding the gap in lifelong learning participation between Ireland and top-performing EU nations. While Ireland boasts a high percentage of adults with tertiary degrees, only 14% of adults aged 25-64 engaged in education and training in 2021. In contrast, countries like Sweden and Finland reported participation rates of 35% and 31%, respectively. This discrepancy highlights a troubling deficiency in Irish adults' pursuit of ongoing education and skill enhancement opportunities. It's worth noting that the EU average for lifelong learning is a mere 11%, making Ireland slightly above the EU average. However, this figure underscores the urgent need for improvement on a broader EU scale, excluding high-performing countries like Finland and Sweden.

Challenges Amid Global Trends

Given the challenges posed by globalization, digital transformation, demographic shifts, exposure to global megatrends (such as the conflict in Ukraine and the COVID-19 pandemic), sustainability concerns, and climate change, adults require a more comprehensive set of skills. These skills encompass cognitive, social, and emotional competencies, along with specialized job-specific skills, to thrive in this evolving landscape. Employers recognize the necessity for their workforce to possess the right skills to boost productivity, encourage innovation, and remain competitive. The absence of these essential skills among the Irish workforce presents a significant challenge for organizations trying to keep up with rapid technological advancements and shifting market demands. Developing relevant skills and using them effectively is essential for Ireland's overall ability to excel in an interconnected and rapidly evolving global context.

Vulnerability to Automation

A specific concern is the susceptibility of Irish workers to automation. Driven by rapid technological advancements, automation has the potential to revolutionize industries and work processes, promising increased efficiency, productivity, and economic growth. However, as automation continues to reshape various sectors, the report emphasizes the urgent need for upskilling initiatives. These initiatives are critical to ensure that Ireland's workforce remains competitive and adaptable in an ever-evolving market. Without proactive measures, there is a risk that Irish workers may lag behind. The report notes, "Technological change can enhance productivity and address skill shortages. Nevertheless, it also implies that many individuals will need to acquire skills for new roles or upgrade their skills for existing ones."

Investment in Skills Development

According to OECD Secretary-General Mathias Cormann, a strong emphasis on skills has been a crucial factor in Ireland's robust economic performance and improvements in well-being. However, significant challenges lie ahead, including labour shortages, a slowdown in productivity growth, and the need to effectively manage the skills implications of green and digital transformations, all while coping with the consequences of an ageing population. Cormann emphasizes that Ireland has the opportunity and the obligation to build upon its strengths. This can be achieved by achieving a better balance between skills demand and supply, promoting greater engagement in lifelong learning, utilizing skills to drive innovation, and enhancing skills governance.

The report underscores the imperative for substantial investments in skills development. This includes cultivating management capabilities, adopting high-performance work practices, and investing in skills that are future-oriented and less susceptible to automation and disruption. Such skills encompass critical thinking, creativity, problem-solving, digital literacy, and social and emotional intelligence. To ensure the growth and competitiveness of organizations throughout Ireland, it is essential to provide robust support for upskilling and reskilling initiatives. By equipping employees with the right skills, businesses can elevate their productivity, stimulate innovation, and address prevailing skills gaps. Upskilling also empowers workers to navigate the evolving job landscape and ensures a smoother transition into new roles

Shining a Light on the Future of Irish Global Organizations

The Future Of Work for F.D.I. Organizations in Ireland.  

The COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing economic slowdown, inflation, and geopolitical disruption have created a highly volatile and uncertain environment for CEOs and their leadership teams around the world. While efforts to strengthen short-term resilience have dominated the agenda at many companies, business leaders are also having to address a range of organizational shifts that have significant implications for structures, processes, and people. These shifts are both challenging and harbingers of opportunity, depending on how organizations address them. A range of new studies identifies the most important shifts and provides ideas and suggestions about how to approach them. Organizations are expeditiously developing practices that have been able to adapt to recent economic and operational disruptions and forge a new path for the modern reset e organization. We see evidence that suggests an integrated approach is underway to achieving organizational change at scale, which comprises developing a clear perspective about the extent of the organizational changes that are truly needed, cultivating talent, investing in leadership, and responding to changing circumstances, new challenges, and new opportunities. 

 The potential rewards of a job well done are significant: leaders who can unlock the most value from their organizations today can become the performance champions of tomorrow. Conversely, those that underachieve to improve their organizations may fall behind peers who have succeeded in doing so, putting in jeopardy their competitive position and growth prospects. Research has shown a direct link between an organization’s health and its financial performance. In any discourse about institutions, it's crucial to acknowledge their fundamental significance in our shared existence. Out of the 8.0 billion people inhabiting our planet, approximately 3.3 billion were actively engaged in organizational work in the year 2022. These individuals are continually influenced, whether directly or indirectly, by the activities that transpire within these organizational settings. This influence is occurring at a time when the very concept of "being at work" is undergoing significant changes. Consequently, ensuring the effective functioning of organizations is not solely a concern for individual companies and establishments; it has broader implications for the overall welfare of society.

VOLATILITY:In today's operating environment, volatility isn't a flaw; it's a defining characteristic. However, according to a recent global survey, half of the respondents admit that their organizations are ill-prepared to respond effectively to future disruptions. To thrive in this ever-changing landscape, it's essential to not just weather the storm, but to bounce forward quickly. This requires a strategic approach that prioritizes three key factors:

By embracing volatility as a feature rather than a bug, businesses can position themselves to gain a significant advantage over their peers. Are you ready to navigate the ever-evolving business landscape?

TRUE HYBRID:In the wake of the pandemic, a remarkable shift has occurred in the workplace landscape, with nearly 90 percent of organizations wholeheartedly adopting diverse hybrid work models. These models empower employees to work remotely, including from their homes, for varying durations. However, what truly matters in this evolving landscape is how organizations navigate this change by providing the necessary structure and support for tasks best suited for in-person or remote work.

The key to success lies in an organization's willingness to explore the full spectrum of possibilities regarding when, where, and how employees work. This entails a comprehensive reevaluation of performance expectations to align with the dynamic nature of work in the modern world.

By embracing this 'true hybrid' approach, organizations position themselves as pioneers in the new era of work, setting a standard for adaptability and flexibility. Are you ready to transform your organization into a sought-after destination for the workforce of tomorrow?

AI POTENTIAL: AI is not just a tool for enhancing operational efficiency; it's a key driver in the journey to build stronger, more agile organizations. Forward-thinking companies are already harnessing AI to achieve a spectrum of transformative objectives, including:

As organizations dive into the vast opportunities offered by AI, they must pay attention to a few critical aspects:

EVOLUTION OF EMPLOYMENT: In this evolving landscape, there's a notable shift in how people perceive work and their roles within organizations. Employees who have resigned or are contemplating a "quiet quitting" approach are signalling that their return to work in 2023 hinges on more than just monetary incentives, work-life balance, professional growth, or a sense of purpose. It's a nuanced blend of all these factors that is shaping their decisions.

For instance, in Europe, a substantial 35 percent of those departing their jobs are attributing their departure to unsustainable performance expectations. In response, organizations have the opportunity to adapt and tailor their employee value propositions to align with individualized preferences. By doing so, they can bridge the gap between the evolving desires of today's workforce and the essential needs of companies.

BUILDING CAPABILITY:In the developing operational arena, it's not uncommon for companies across various sectors to announce the inclusion of technological or digital elements in their strategic plans. However, the presence of these elements doesn't always align with the organization's readiness to effectively integrate them. To secure a sustainable competitive advantage, organizations must focus on the development of institutional capabilities.

Institutional capabilities encompass a seamlessly integrated blend of people, processes, and technological performance that collectively contribute to the organization's ability to consistently outperform its competitors. Achieving this involves addressing gaps in core activities, often stemming from resource limitations or a lack of unwavering commitment.

 CRUCIAL TALENT: For a considerable time, business leaders have walked a delicate tightrope, delicately managing budgets while striving to retain essential talent. In today's turbulent economic climate, organizations must shift their focus towards a more targeted approach - one that aligns top talent with the most high-impact positions.

While the concept isn't entirely new, it's a strategic imperative in an era marked by hybrid work models, increased workforce mobility, and skill shortages. Research from repeatedly underscores this need, revealing that a significant percentage, ranging from 20 to 30 percent, of critical roles within many organizations remain occupied by individuals who may not be the most suitable for these positions. Studies reveal, globally, that high impact talent deliver a vastly disproportionate amount of value. The challenge is to place this talent into positions that sustain the organization in the short and long term.  

SELF-AWARE LEADERSHIP: In the present landscape, leaders find themselves inherently focused on immediate responses to crises. However, they also bear the responsibility of maintaining a long-term perspective and nurturing behaviours that are well-suited for the organization's goals.

Effective leadership today encompasses the ability to lead oneself, guide a team of peers within the C-suite, and possess the necessary leadership acumen to operate at scale by orchestrating and inspiring networks of teams. This requires leaders to cultivate a profound self-awareness and a keen understanding of the dynamic operating environment that surrounds them.

D.E.I.: While many organizations are actively addressing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), there's a common challenge: these initiatives often fail to translate into meaningful progress. What frequently seems to be lacking is a clear and strategic connection between DEI efforts and the broader business strategy.

One way forward is for leaders to adopt a more systematic approach from the outset. This involves carefully considering the objectives and the intended impact level of their DEI programs. To achieve their DEI goals, leaders must not only identify opportunities for progress within their organizations but also seek ways to enhance their external communities and society as a whole.

MENTAL HEALTH: Currently, nine out of ten organizations across the globe offer some form of well-being programme. Despite these well-intentioned interventions, global health and well-being scores remain distressingly low. Research underscores a clear connection between reports of poor mental health and well-being and various organizational issues, such as attrition, absenteeism, reduced engagement, and declining productivity.

Beyond 2023, organizations must shift their focus towards systematically addressing the underlying causes of mental health and well-being challenges. The days of relying on one-off or incremental fixes are no longer sufficient. It's imperative to adopt a holistic and sustainable approach to tackle these critical issues effectively.

EFFICIENCY: Amidst the prevailing uncertainty in today's business environment, organizations are shifting their focus towards efficiency measures. Notably, more than a third of survey respondents have ranked efficiency as one of their top three organizational priorities.

Efficiency enhancement goes beyond merely managing immediate crises or accomplishing the same tasks with fewer resources. It entails the strategic deployment of resources to areas where they can make the most significant impact. This approach promises substantial advantages, such as improved overall organizational well-being, enhanced shareholder returns, and quicker, more informed decision-making.

Becoming more efficient often necessitates placing increased trust in your organization and empowering your employees, allowing them to play a more central role in driving success.

THE GREEN DEAL: The European Green Deal, Corporate Social Responsibility Directive (CSRD), and their impact on Irish multinational companies:

EU Green Deal: The EU Green Deal is a comprehensive policy initiative by the European Union aimed at making the EU climate-neutral by 2050. It encompasses various strategies and measures to combat climate change, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and promote sustainability across all sectors. This ambitious plan includes goals related to renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, biodiversity preservation, and the circular economy.

Corporate Social Responsibility Directive (CSRD): The CSRD is a proposed EU regulation that seeks to strengthen and standardize corporate social responsibility reporting requirements for large public-interest entities operating within the EU. It aims to enhance transparency and accountability by mandating detailed disclosures on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) matters, such as climate impact, diversity, and supply chain practices.

Impact on Irish Multinational Companies:

"Conversation and communications are the glues that hold organizations together, they build a winning culture"

Building Conversational Capital Through Communications

Thank you for spending some time with us as we all journey towards becoming future-ready organizations. We believe that speed, agility, and a unique culture are key elements of success in the future of work. We also understand that specific, observable behaviours must be integrated into core business activities and work to achieve this. Above all else, communications are a critical factor in all transformations. 

Our approach to supporting organizations on their transformation journey is to create tailored services based on the specific needs of different employee groups, their roles, goals, and mindsets. We believe that this approach fosters agility, simplicity, and frictionless operating models, enabling organizations to unlock considerable value.

We recognize that culture is a critical component of success and that it should be unique to each organization. Our team of experts can help leaders choose and build the kind of culture they want their organization to embody. We also believe that hiring future-ready professionals is an effective way to drive cultural change and prepare for the future of work.

As a continuous learning organization, we are committed to reflecting the practices of a future-ready organization in our internal operations. We are also proud to be part of an ecosystem network alliance, and we are firmly committed to the "act local, think global" ethos.

If you are interested in exploring how we can help your organization become future-ready, we would be delighted to have a purpose-driven conversation with you. Our no obligation, opportunity to spend some brief time with your organization is a great way to discuss and explore synergies. Please contact us to schedule a conversation. 

Paul Walsh

087 096 1761

051 293 171

The Glebe, Stradbally, County Waterford, Ireland, x42vy13